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Arne Duncan

Managing Partner, Emerson Collective

Arne's Expertise

As Managing Partner at Emerson Collective, an organization dedicated to removing barriers so people can live to their full potential, former U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is on a mission to improve the lives of young adults in Chicago. Through partnerships with local business leaders, community organizers and nonprofit groups, he aims to provide outreach, therapeutic, educational and employment opportunities for the young men most likely to be engaged in gun violence. Prior to joining the Obama Administration, he served as chief executive officer of the Chicago Public Schools. From 2001 to 2008, Arne won praise for uniting the city’s stakeholders behind an education agenda that included opening 100 new schools, expanding after-school, summer learning, early childhood, and college access programs, dramatically boosting the caliber of teachers and building public-private partnerships around a variety of education initiatives. He graduated magna cum laude with a BA in sociology from Harvard University, where he also served as co-captain of the basketball team and was named a first-team Academic All-American.