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Our Company

Active Patience®.
Independent Thinking.
Focused Expertise.
Bold Teamwork.

Our Values

Active Patience®

Good outcomes take time. While patience may suggest stasis, such rigorous discipline in fact requires constant, dynamic engagement. We are diligently and continually assessing changing conditions, identifying undervalued opportunities, making connections to glean new insights and setting more ambitious goals. Relationships that have been cultivated over decades enable us to benefit from a myriad of perspectives.

Independent Thinking

Different is our advantage. In a world where fitting in feels better than standing out, generic viewpoints and hollow information reign supreme. We seek to develop our own, unique insights and are comfortable being uncomfortable—which is key to realizing long-term value. Our contrarian views result from meticulous, fundamental, bottom-up research. Analyzing and questioning every position means that when we choose, we do so with knowledge and conviction.

Focused Expertise

We go deep. Jacks of all trades need not apply. As someone once said, “An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less.” Decades of accumulated knowledge in our core competencies mean we can draw upon a treasure trove of experience when considering every decision. While our approach is time-tested, our learning is never done.

Bold Teamwork

Confident humility holds us together. No one person is sufficient to our clients’ success. We can only win as a team, and we know diverse teams drive better outcomes. As we seek to leverage our collective intelligence, we encourage our colleagues to be courageous when engaging with each other. Silence can be dangerous, and acquiescence can breed mediocrity. Candor builds trust and respectful dissent serves our greater good.


An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less.

Nicholas Butler

Firm Facts Chicago | New York | San Francisco






Billion in Assets**


Proprietary Mutual Funds


Market Cycles


Employee and Board Ownership


Separate Account Strategies


Private Funds***

*Teammates include Ariel and its affiliated entities.

**Assets under management include $1.48 billion for Ariel Alternatives, a subsidiary of Ariel Investments, which reflects aggregate commitments and excludes fund specific leverage.

***Includes Ariel International DM/EM LLC, Ariel Emerging Markets Value Fund LLC and the Ariel Alternatives’ private fund.

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Our Products

We invest to our convictions, not benchmarks.

Investment Vehicles
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Our Experts

We only win as a team. No one person is sufficient to our clients’ success.

Meet our Team

Our portfolios are built to drive long-term value, not short-term results.